adjective विशेशण

Noachian meaning in konkani

नोआकियन हांणी केला

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    of or relating to Noah or his time

    नोहा वा ताच्या काळाचो वा ताचे कडेन संबंदीत आशिल्लो

  • Example

    Noachian deluge

    नोआची हुंवार

adjective विशेशण

Noachian meaning in konkani

नोआकियन हांणी केला

  • Definitions

    1. Pertaining to Noah or his time.

    नोहाक वा ताच्या काळाक संबंदीत.

  • Examples:
    1. At the time of my visit, EVACC was down to just one Rabbs' Frog, so the possibility of saving even a single, Noachian pair had obviously passed.

    2. The victims of the Noachian flood would add another 20 million or so to the total.