adjective विशेशण

Wolfish meaning in konkani

वागांचें नुस्तें

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    devouring or craving food in great quantities

    व्हड प्रमाणांत अन्न खावप वा तळमळ करप

  • Synonyms

    edacious (edacious अशें म्हण्टात)

adjective विशेशण

Wolfish meaning in konkani

वागांचें नुस्तें

  • Definition

    resembling or characteristic (or considered characteristic) of a wolf

    वागाचें सारकें वा खाशेलपण (वा खाशेलपण मानतात) अशें

  • Synonyms

    wolflike (वागसारकें आसता)

adjective विशेशण

Wolfish meaning in konkani

वागांचें नुस्तें

  • Definitions

    1. Having the characteristics or habits of a wolf.

    वागाचीं खाशेलपणां वा संवयीं आसप.

  • Examples:
    1. He had never seen dogs fight as these wolfish creatures fought, and his first experience taught him an unforgetable lesson. It is true, it was a vicarious experience, else he would not have lived to profit by it.

    2. “Here, Fangs! Fangs!” he ejaculated at the top of his voice to a ragged wolfish-looking dog

adverb क्रियाविशेशण

Wolfishly meaning in konkani

वागळें अशें म्हण्टात

  • Definition

    in the manner of a wolf

    वागाच्या पद्दतीन