adverb क्रियाविशेशण

Wonderfully meaning in konkani

अद्भुत रितीन

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    (used as an intensifier) extremely well

    (इंटन्सफायर म्हणून वापरतात) अत्यंत बरे तरेन

  • Synonyms

    marvelously (अद्भुत रितीन)

    wondrous (अद्भुत अशें)

    superbly (भव्य रितीन)

    terrifically (भयानक रितीन)

    toppingly (टॉपिंग करून)

    wondrously (अद्भुत रितीन)

    marvellously (अद्भुत रितीन)

adverb क्रियाविशेशण

Wonderfully meaning in konkani

अद्भुत रितीन

  • Definitions

    1. In a wonderful manner.

    अद्भुत रितीन.

  • Examples:
    1. He entertained us wonderfully.

    2. By freeing statisticians from dealing with complicated calculations, the statistical aspects of a problem can become the main focus. This point is wonderfully illustrated by Smith and Gelfand (1992).