noun नाम

Wpm meaning in konkani

wpm हें नांव

  • Definition

    the rate at which words are produced (as in speaking or typing)

    शब्द तयार जावपी दर (उलोवप वा टायप करपाचे प्रमाण)

  • Synonyms

    words per minute (दर मिण्टाक उतरां)

noun नाम

Wpm meaning in konkani

wpm हें नांव

  • Definitions

    1. Initialism of words per minute (“a measure of speed, as of output, typing, reading, or speech”).

    दर मिण्टाक उतरांचें आरंभ (“गतीचें माप, उत्पादन, टंकलेखन, वाचन वा उलोवपा प्रमाण”).

  • Examples:
    1. So, if you're thinking at 400 and the person you're talking to is speaking at 150, then what you do with that extra 250 wpm capacity is going to determine how good a listener you are.