noun नाम

Yahoo meaning in konkani


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    a person who acts recklessly or dangerously

    बेपर्वा वा धोक्याची वागपी मनीस

  • Example

    These yahoos keep driving down the street at 70 mph.

    हे याहू रस्त्यार 70 मैलांच्या वेगान गाडी चलोवंक लागल्यात.

noun नाम

Yahoo meaning in konkani


  • Definition

    a person who is not very intelligent or interested in culture

    चड बुदवंत नाशिल्लो वा संस्कृतायेंत रूची नाशिल्लो मनीस

  • Example

    This bar is full of yahoos.

    हो बार याहूंनी भरिल्लो आसा.

  • Synonyms

    hick (हिक हें नांव)


Yahoo meaning in konkani


  • Definitions

    1. An exclamation of joy or enjoyment.

    आनंदाची वा भोगाची एक उद्गार.

  • Examples:
    1. "Yahoooooo! Give her some stick!"

noun नाम

Yahoo meaning in konkani


  • Definitions

    1. A humanoid cryptid said to exist in parts of eastern Australia, and also reported in the Bahamas.

    उदेंत ऑस्ट्रेलियांतल्या कांय वाठारांनी एक मनीसरुपी क्रिप्टिड अस्तित्वांत आसा अशें म्हण्टात, आनी बहामासांतय ताची म्हायती मेळ्ळ्या.

  • Examples:
    1. The natives are greatly terrrified by the sight of a person in a mask calling him "devil" or Yah-hoo, which signifies evil spirit.