noun संज्ञा

Wrongdoing meaning in hindi


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    activity that transgresses moral or civil law

    गतिविधि जो नैतिक या नागरिक कानून का उल्लंघन करती है

  • Example

    The defendant denied any wrongdoing.

    प्रतिवादी ने किसी भी गलत काम से इनकार किया।

  • Synonyms

    actus reus (आपराधिक कृत्य)

    misconduct (दुराचार)

    wrongful conduct (गलत आचरण)

noun संज्ञा

Wrongdoing meaning in hindi


  • Definition

    departure from what is ethically acceptable

    जो नैतिक रूप से स्वीकार्य है उससे प्रस्थान

  • Synonyms

    error (गलती)

noun संज्ञा

Wrongdoing meaning in hindi


  • Definitions

    1. An instance of doing wrong.

    गलत काम करने का एक उदाहरण।

  • Examples:
    1. I said that some ancient stories suggested that those who were unrighteous or who had committed wrongdoings were more susceptible to plagues or disasters. And sometimes plagues just miraculously disappeared after people realized their wrongdoings and repented.