noun संज्ञा

Yob meaning in hindi


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    a cruel and brutal fellow

    एक क्रूर और क्रूर साथी

  • Example

    This pub is full of yobbos.

    यह पब योबोस से भरा है।

  • Synonyms

    tough (कठिन)

noun संज्ञा

Yob meaning in hindi


  • Definitions

    1. A boy.


  • Examples:
    1. And you bet that each gal, not to mention each yob, Didn't care how much ooftish it cost 'em per nob.

    2. As we left the cemetery, I heard an elderly gravedigger muttering back slang to himself before Lucien's headstone. "Bloody shame, ain't it? Doubt the yob did much living by eighteen." I corrected the man, saying, “No fear, that yob did plenty of living.”

  • 2. A person who engages in antisocial behaviour or drunkenness.

    एक व्यक्ति जो असामाजिक व्यवहार या नशे में संलग्न है।

  • Examples:
    1. But while doing 70mph on the A1, a hooded yob threw rock[sic – meaning a rock] from a grass verge onto the windscreen of the family’s Jeep, causing it to swerve.

    2. Three local yobs have also joined, but they have not reckoned on a redoubtable Conductor and two local revenue protection officers who soon escort them off the train!

    3. Yes, it's holiday time again for British yobs – and the rest of us can flee to those parts of Abroad which the louts ignore, or just cringe in shame at home.

  • Synonyms

    bully (धमकाना)

    hooligan (बदमाश)

    charva (चरवा)

    rowdy (उपद्रवी)

    ruffian (बदमाश)

    roughneck (बदमाश)

    tearaway (फाड़ना)

    register (पंजीकरण करवाना)

    hooligan (बदमाश)

    yobbo (yobbo)

    chav (चाव)

    yobbo (yobbo)

    yobbish (yobbish)