noun संज्ञा

Yucca meaning in hindi


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    any of several evergreen plants of the genus Yucca, typically characterized by tall, stout stems and a terminal cluster of white flowers

    युक्का जीनस के कई सदाबहार पौधों में से कोई भी, आमतौर पर लंबे, मोटे तनों और सफेद फूलों के एक टर्मिनल क्लस्टर की विशेषता है

  • Example

    In certain climates, yucca grows wild year-round.

    कुछ जलवायु में, युक्का साल भर जंगली रूप से उगता है।

noun संज्ञा

Yucca meaning in hindi


  • Definitions

    1. Any of several evergreen plants of the genus Yucca, having long, pointed, and rigid leaves at the top of a woody stem, and bearing a large panicle of showy white blossoms.

    युक्का जीनस के कई सदाबहार पौधों में से कोई भी, एक लकड़ी के तने के शीर्ष पर लंबे, नुकीले और कठोर पत्ते होते हैं, और दिखावटी सफेद फूलों का एक बड़ा गुच्छा होता है।

  • Examples:
    1. Small, shrubby yuccas give your landscape a characteristic Southwest flavor. Their size adapts them to limited areas, such as patio and pool gardens or corner plantings. The blade-like leaves add variety to a cactus or xeriscape garden. Small yuccas make ideal accent plants, and when they send up their stalk of flowers, they become the center of attention.

    2. The strange yet appealing yucca is native to the United States, Mexico and the West Indies and is part of the Agavaceae family, many species of which have tough, sword-like leaves.

    3. YUCCA: The Indian Yucca; vulgô. / The Characters are; / It hath the Appearance of an Aloe, the Leaves ending in a ſharp Point, but will grow in the Habit of a Tree; The Species are; / 1. Yucca; foliis Aloes. C. B. P. The common Yucca. / 2. Yucca; foliis filamentoſis. Moriſs. Yucca with Threads growing from the Leaves.]

    4. Yuccas are large, impressive plants with tough, leathery swordlike leaves and towering stalks of white cupshaped flowers. Although they are most abundant in the arid Southwest and on into Mexico, yuccas also grow in dry sandy spots throughout the East and Midwest. There are about forty species of yuccas. All have fibers in their leaves, and many serve as soap plants also.

  • 2. The yuca (cassava).

    युका (कसावा)।

  • Examples:
    1. Cassava is a typical Garífuna food made from yucca, a semi-permanent crop found in tropical and subtropical regions. A basic food crop, yucca grows in poor soil where other crops will not.

    2. In some parts of the Indies they use a kind of bread called cassava, which is made from a certain root called yucca. The yucca root is large and thick. It is cut into small pieces and grated and squeezed in a sort of press, and what is left resembles a thin cake that is very long and broad, almost like a shield. Dried, this is the bread that they eat; it has no taste and is perfectly insipid but is wholesome and nourishing.

    3. Jucca, ſive Yucca Peruana. The root whereof the bread Caſua, or Cazava is made.]

    4. There are two kinds of the yucca, or manioc root,—the yucca dulce and the yucca amarga,—the sweet and bitter. One may be eaten raw without danger. The other, which closely resembles it, if eaten raw, would produce almost instant death, as its juice is one of the deadliest of vegetable poisons.

    5. [A] second kind of bread is made of the root, called Yucca, which is bruised, and the juice, which is poisonous, expressed; it is then spread into broad thin cakes, and dried for use. In this shape it is called cassava, and though much esteemed by the natives, to a European palate (except perhaps a Scotch one) seems harsh, insipid, and little nutritious.

  • Synonyms

    yucca moth (युक्का कीट)

    yuccaloeside (युक्कालोसाइड)

    yucca borer (युक्का बोरर)