noun संज्ञा

Abecedarius meaning in maithili


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    a poem having lines beginning with letters of the alphabet in regular order

    वर्णमाला के अक्षरों से नियमित क्रम से शुरू होने वाली पाँति वाली कविता |

noun संज्ञा

Abecedarius meaning in maithili


  • Definitions

    1. An acrostic poem in which the lines begin with the letters of the alphabet in sequence.

    एकटा एक्रोस्टिक कविता जाहि मे पाँति क्रमशः वर्णमाला के अक्षर सँ शुरू होइत अछि |

  • Examples:
    1. Michele Clise has adapted the Shaker abecedarius, changed a few words, and used black, white, and gray sketches for illustrations to create her alphabet .