noun संज्ञा

Zikurat meaning in maithili


  • Definition

    a rectangular tiered temple or terraced mound erected by the ancient Assyrians and Babylonians

    प्राचीन अश्शूर आरू बेबिलोन केरऽ लोगऽ द्वारा खड़ा करलऽ गेलऽ आयताकार स्तरीय मंदिर या छत वाला टीला

  • Example

    It is quite impressive to stand in front of a zikurat.

    जिकुरात के सामने ठाढ़ रहब काफी प्रभावशाली अछि.

  • Synonyms

    null (सुन्ना)

noun संज्ञा

Zikurat meaning in maithili


  • Definitions

    1. Alternative spelling of ziggurat

    जिग्गुरत के वैकल्पिक वर्तनी

  • Examples:
    1. It had two zikurats, of which that on the north may, as Andrae supposes, have been dedicated to Anu, and that on the south to Adad.