adjective വിശേഷണം

Trojan meaning in malayalam


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    of or relating to the ancient city of Troy or its inhabitants

    പുരാതന നഗരമായ ട്രോയ് അല്ലെങ്കിൽ അതിലെ നിവാസികളുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ടത്

  • Example

    Trojan cities

    ട്രോജൻ നഗരങ്ങൾ

adjective വിശേഷണം

Trojan meaning in malayalam


  • Definitions

    1. Involving great strength or endurance.

    വലിയ ശക്തിയോ സഹിഷ്ണുതയോ ഉൾക്കൊള്ളുന്നു.

  • Examples:
    1. You know you should get up but the thought of making your way to the bathroom to wash is like a trojan task. Why bother?

  • Synonyms

    Trojan horse (ട്രോജൻ കുതിര)

    Trojan War (ട്രോജൻ യുദ്ധം)

    Trojan Wicca (ട്രോജൻ വിക്ക)

    Trojan moon (ട്രോജൻ ചന്ദ്രൻ)

noun നാമം

Trojan meaning in malayalam


  • Definitions

    1. One who shows great pluck, endurance, strength, etc.

    വലിയ പ്ലക്ക്, സഹിഷ്ണുത, ശക്തി മുതലായവ കാണിക്കുന്നവൻ.

  • Examples:
    1. Farewell he, he was a kinde good fellow, a true Troyan: and it euer be my lucks to meete him at more leaſure, Ile make him full amendes with a Cup full of Canarie.

    2. Leave all to me, and I'll bring you through it like a Trojan.

    3. Mortified as he was at this suspension of his plan, he had, at any rate, the full satisfaction of knowing not only that he himself had discharged his duty, but that every one under him had done the same, from Jim Bell, who fought like a Trojan, to little Dewhurst, his aide-de-camp, whose first smell of powder this was.

    4. We have twice had all we wanted in the way of squalls: once, as I came on deck, I found the green sea over the cockpit coamings and running down the companion like a brook to meet me; at that same moment the foresail sheet jammed and the captain had no knife; this was the only occasion on the cruise that ever I set hand to a rope, but I worked like a Trojan, judging the possibility of haemorrhage better than the certainty of drowning.

noun നാമം

Trojan horse meaning in malayalam

ട്രോജൻ കുതിര

  • Definition

    a subversive group that supports the enemy and engages in espionage or sabotage

    ശത്രുവിനെ പിന്തുണയ്ക്കുകയും ചാരവൃത്തിയിലോ അട്ടിമറിയിലോ ഏർപ്പെടുകയും ചെയ്യുന്ന ഒരു അട്ടിമറി സംഘം

  • Synonyms

    fifth column (അഞ്ചാമത്തെ നിര)