noun नाम

Ableism meaning in marathi


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    discrimination in favor of the able-bodied

    सक्षम शरीराच्या बाजूने भेदभाव

  • Synonyms

    ablism (abblism)

    able-bodism (सक्षम शरीरवाद)

    able-bodiedism (सक्षम शरीरवाद)


Ableism meaning in marathi


  • Definitions

    1. Discrimination against persons with disabilities or favour of those without.

    अपंग व्यक्तींविरुद्ध भेदभाव किंवा त्याशिवाय असलेल्यांना अनुकूलता.

  • Examples:
    1. Ableism is your ability to find reasons to push us aside to keeps us in cages, leave our struggles out of the history pages … pretend we never existed. Ableism is when you say I'm the only disabled friend you've ever had. Ableism is when you say that and still don't understand why we feel invisible. Ableism is when you think I don't have a disability because you can't see it.

  • Synonyms

    able-bodiedism (सक्षम शरीरवाद)

    ablecentrism (सक्षम केंद्रवाद)

    disablism (अपंगत्व)

    ableist (सक्षम)