noun नाम

Aborticide meaning in marathi


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    the act of destroying a fetus

    गर्भ नष्ट करण्याची कृती

  • Synonyms

    feticide (भ्रूणहत्या)

noun नाम

Aborticide meaning in marathi


  • Definition

    a drug (or other chemical agent) that causes abortion

    एक औषध (किंवा इतर रासायनिक एजंट) ज्यामुळे गर्भपात होतो

  • Synonyms

    abortifacient (गर्भपात करणारा)

    abortion-inducing drug (गर्भपात-प्रेरित करणारे औषध)


Aborticide meaning in marathi


  • Definitions

    1. The act of destroying a fetus in the womb; feticide.

    गर्भातील गर्भ नष्ट करण्याची कृती; भ्रूणहत्या

  • Examples:
    1. "Aborticide is the basis of God's judgment on America," he says, "because the blood cries out from the ground."

    2. "From today onwards", he legislated, "a woman's infidelity to her husband shall be a sin tantamount to aborticide, an evil that will engender misery.

    3. As physician I frequently find it helpful to express some of my views regarding prognosis, aborticide, euthanasia, organ transplant, and similar medical exertion of mine, including that of my well-intentioned fellow-man.

    4. Thus we have a clear division between homicide, which falls within the biblical law of persons, and aborticide, which is treated as a tort.