noun नाम

Abruptness meaning in marathi


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    an abrupt discourteous manner

    अचानक असभ्य रीतीने

  • Synonyms

    brusqueness (घट्टपणा)

    curtness (दबदबा)

    gruffness (कुरबुरी)

    shortness (लहानपणा)

noun नाम

Abruptness meaning in marathi


  • Definition

    the quality of happening with headlong haste or without warning

    घाईघाईने किंवा चेतावणीशिवाय घडण्याची गुणवत्ता

  • Synonyms

    precipitousness (precipitousness)

    precipitance (अवक्षेपण)

    precipitancy (अवक्षेपण)

    suddenness (अचानक)

    precipitateness (अवक्षेपण)

noun नाम

Abruptness meaning in marathi


  • Definition

    the property possessed by a slope that is very steep

    अतिशय उंच उतार असलेली मालमत्ता

  • Synonyms

    precipitousness (precipitousness)

    steepness (तीव्रता)


Abruptness meaning in marathi


  • Definitions

    1. Suddenness; unceremonious haste or vehemence.

    अचानकपणा; अप्रामाणिक घाई किंवा उग्रपणा.

  • Examples:
    1. So be neither diffuse with damp and slippery words nor blunt the edge of your discourse by abruptness of style. Study in particular the purest period of style, that those who move only to Ciceronian rhythm call you not a Celt.