noun नाम

Absoluteness meaning in marathi


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    the quality of being absolute

    निरपेक्ष असण्याची गुणवत्ता

  • Example

    the absoluteness of the pope's decree could not be challenged

    पोपच्या हुकुमाच्या निरपेक्षतेला आव्हान देता आले नाही

noun नाम

Absoluteness meaning in marathi


  • Definition

    the quality of being complete or utter or extreme

    पूर्ण किंवा पूर्ण किंवा अत्यंत असण्याची गुणवत्ता

  • Synonyms

    starkness (कडकपणा)


Absoluteness meaning in marathi


  • Definitions

    1. Absolute authority, unlimited power; absolutism, despotism.

    पूर्ण अधिकार, अमर्याद शक्ती; निरंकुशता, हुकूमशाही.

  • Examples:
    1. I know no man that could produce more parts, both naturall and artificiall, fit to preserve his masterie, and to maintaine his absolutenesse, than he doth; yet is hee cleane falne from them like a childe.