noun नाम

Write-off meaning in marathi

लिहून काढणे

  • Definition

    the act of cancelling from an account a bad debt or a worthless asset

    एखाद्या खात्यातून खराब कर्ज किंवा नालायक मालमत्ता रद्द करण्याची क्रिया

noun नाम

Write-off meaning in marathi

लिहून काढणे

  • Definition

    (accounting) reduction in the book value of an asset

    (लेखा) मालमत्तेच्या पुस्तक मूल्यात घट

  • Synonyms

    write-down (लिहा)

verb क्रियापद

Write-off meaning in marathi

लिहून काढणे

  • Definitions

    1. Nonstandard spelling of write off.

    राइट ऑफचे अप्रमाणित स्पेलिंग.

  • Examples:
    1. If you are eager to manufacture the recharging unit, the analyst will be tempted to write-off the equipment over its physical life and provide you with a lower breakeven volume. If you prefer to outsource, the analyst will be tempted to write-off the equipment over its tax life and provide you with a higher breakeven volume.

    2. Provided that where the Collector or any of his subordinates is responsible for the collection of any tax, the power to write-off such tax, on the ground of its being irrecoverable, shall be exercised by the Commissioner of Land Administration

    3. This has spurred major efforts to write-off loans by the two pilot banks and considerable progress at the largest of the SOCBs (the ICBC).