noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Canuck meaning in oriya

କାନକ୍ |

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    informal term for Canadians in general and French Canadians in particular

    ସାଧାରଣତ Can କାନାଡିୟମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଏବଂ ବିଶେଷ ଭାବରେ ଫରାସୀ କାନାଡିୟମାନଙ୍କ ପାଇଁ ଅନ al ପଚାରିକ ଶବ୍ଦ |

adjective ବିଶେଷଣ

Canuck meaning in oriya

କାନକ୍ |

  • Definitions

    1. Canadian.

    କାନାଡିୟ |

  • Examples:
    1. Well, what do you think of the Canuck elections?

noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Canuck meaning in oriya

କାନକ୍ |

  • Definitions

    1. A Canadian, sometimes especially a French Canadian.

    ଜଣେ କାନାଡିୟ, ବେଳେବେଳେ ବିଶେଷତ a ଏକ ଫରାସୀ କାନାଡିୟ |

  • Examples:
    1. It is a pity these Canadian militiamen spoilt the good work they had done by never-failing bluster. But for pure and unadulterated brag I will back the lower-class Canuck against the world. The Yankee is a very sucking dove compared to his northern neighbour.

    2. Jonathan distinguishes a Dutch or a French Canadian, by the term Kanuk.

    3. We saw a few partridges: we also met a lusty fellow in a forest road with a keg of whisky slung round him, who called to us ‘Come boys and have some grog, I'm what you call a canuck:’ a (Canadian).

  • 2. The French-Canadian dialect.

    ଫରାସୀ-କାନାଡିୟ ଉପଭାଷା |

  • Examples:
    1. On the deacon-seat in the leapin' heat / With the corn-cobs drawin' cool and sweet, / And timin' the fiddle with tunkin' feet, / A hundred men and a chorus. / “Roule, roulant, ma boule roulant,” / all Canuck but a good song; / Lift it up then, good and strong, / for a cozy night's before us.

  • 3. A thing from Canada.

    କାନାଡାରୁ ଏକ ଜିନିଷ |

  • Examples:
    1. Who'll buy my caller herrin'? / Cod, turbot, ling, delicious herrin', / Buy my caller herrin', / They're every one Kanucks!

  • 4. A Canadian pony or horse.

    ଏକ କାନାଡିଆନ୍ ପନି କିମ୍ବା ଘୋଡା |

  • Examples:
    1. I'll sit here and blow till he comes round with his old go-cart, and then I'll hang on to the tail of it, and try legs with that little Kanuck of his.

  • Synonyms

    Canajan (କାନଜାନ୍)

    Johnny-Canuck (ଜନି-କାନକ୍ |)

    Canadian (କାନାଡିୟ |)

    Canajun (କାନାଜୁନ୍ |)

    Janey Canuck (ଜେନି କାନକ୍ |)

    Jack Canuck (ଜ୍ୟାକ୍ କାନକ୍ |)

    Canuckiana (କାନୁକିଆନା |)

    Soviet Canuckistan (ସୋଭିଏତ୍ କାନୁକିସ୍ତାନ |)

    Canuckian (କାନୁକିଆନ୍ |)

    Canuckistan (କାନୁକିସ୍ତାନ |)

    Johnny Canuck (ଜନି କାନକ୍ |)