adjective ବିଶେଷଣ

Cimmerian meaning in oriya

ସିମେରିଆନ୍ |

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    intensely dark and gloomy as with perpetual darkness

    ଚିରସ୍ଥାୟୀ ଅନ୍ଧକାର ପରି ଘୋର ଅନ୍ଧକାର ଏବଂ ଘୋର |

  • Example

    the Cimmerian gloom...a darkness that could be felt-Norman Douglas

    ସିମେରିଆନ୍ ଅନ୍ଧକାର ... ଏକ ଅନ୍ଧକାର ଯାହା ଅନୁଭବ କରାଯାଇପାରେ-ନରମାନ୍ ଡଗଲାସ୍ |

adjective ବିଶେଷଣ

Cimmerian meaning in oriya

ସିମେରିଆନ୍ |

  • Definitions

    1. Characteristic of Cimmeria; especially describing particularly dense darkness etc.

    ସିମେରିଆର ଗୁଣ; ବିଶେଷ ଭାବରେ ଘନ ଅନ୍ଧକାର ଇତ୍ୟାଦି ବର୍ଣ୍ଣନା କରେ |

  • Examples:
    1. there it sleepeth, here it slumbreth: more or lesse they are ever darknesses, yea Cimmerian darknesses.

noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Cimmerian meaning in oriya

ସିମେରିଆନ୍ |

  • Definitions

    1. Any of the mythical people supposed to inhabit a land of perpetual darkness.

    କ Any ଣସି ପ th ରାଣିକ ଲୋକ ଅନନ୍ତ ଅନ୍ଧକାରର ଦେଶରେ ବାସ କରିବା ଉଚିତ୍ |

  • Examples:
    1. On their mysterious shores were the improbable homes of impossible peoples. The Great Sea, the Broad Sea, the Boundless Sea; the Ethiopians, "dwelling far away, the most distant of men," and the Cimmerians, "covered with darkness and cloud," where "baleful night is spread over timid mortals."

    2. The city, there, of the Cimmerians stands With clouds and darkness veil’d, on whom the sun Deigns not to look with his beam-darting eye,

  • 2. one of the Cimmerii, ancient equestrian nomads of Indo-European origin

    ଇଣ୍ଡୋ-ୟୁରୋପୀୟ ମୂଳର ପ୍ରାଚୀନ ଅଶ୍ୱାରୋହୀ ସିମେରୀ |

  • Examples:
    1. Believe me, queen, your swarth Cimmerian Doth make your honour of his body's hue, Spotted, detested, and abominable.

    2. In his reign the Cimmerians, driven from their homes by the nomads of Scythia, entered Asia and captured Sardis

    3. The Phrygian power was broken in the 9th or 8th century B.C. by the Cimmerians, who entered Asia Minor through Armenia

  • 3. the prophetic priestess presiding over the Apollonian Oracle at Cimmerium in Italy.

    ଭବିଷ୍ୟ‌ଦ୍‌ବକ୍ତା ପୁରୋହିତ ଇଟାଲୀର ସିମେରିୟମ୍ରେ ଆପୋଲୋନିଆନ୍ ଓରାକଲ୍ ଉପରେ ଅଧ୍ୟକ୍ଷତା କରିଥିଲେ |

  • Examples:
    1. Varro relates that there were ten Sibyls,—the first of the Persians, the second the Libyan, the third the Delphian, the fourth the Cimmerian