noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Abelmosk meaning in oriya

ଆବେଲମୋସ୍କ |

  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    bushy herb of tropical Asia grown for its yellow or pink to scarlet blooms that resemble the hibiscus

    ଟ୍ରପିକାଲ୍ ଏସିଆର ବୁଦା b ଷଧ ଏହାର ହଳଦିଆ କିମ୍ବା ଗୋଲାପୀ ରଙ୍ଗର ଲାଲ ରଙ୍ଗର ଫୁଲ ପାଇଁ ବ grown ଼ିଥାଏ ଯାହା ହାଇବିସ୍କସ୍ ପରି |

  • Synonyms

    musk mallow (ମସ୍କ ମଲ୍ଲୋ |)

noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Abelmosk meaning in oriya

ଆବେଲମୋସ୍କ |

  • Definitions

    1. The edible and aromatic seed pods (properly, capsules) of the Abelmoschus moschatus.

    ଆବେଲମୋଶସ୍ ମଶାଟସ୍ ର ଖାଇବା ଏବଂ ସୁଗନ୍ଧିତ ମଞ୍ଜି ପୋଡ୍ (ସଠିକ୍ ଭାବରେ, କ୍ୟାପସୁଲ୍) |

  • Examples:
    1. Abelmosk grains are the seeds of a plant... indigenous to Central Africa, Arabia, and India.

    2. Egyptian Ketmia, with a perfumed or Musk-Seed..., called Abelmosch of Morison.

  • 2. The tropical evergreen shrub Abelmoschus moschatus itself.

    ଟ୍ରପିକାଲ୍ ଚିର ସବୁଜ ଶାଳ ଆବେଲମୋଶସ୍ ମଶାଟସ୍ ନିଜେ |

  • Examples:
    1. Abelmosk, Abelmosch, or Abelmusk, the Syrian mallow, or musk okro, a species of hibiscus (H. abelmoschus).

    2. The same description fits abelmosk, the Hibiscus abelmoshus, better known to the world as the East Indian dwarf okra plant.