noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Ablaut meaning in oriya


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    a vowel whose quality or length is changed to indicate linguistic distinctions (such as sing sang sung song)

    ଏକ ସ୍ ow ର ଯାହାର ଗୁଣ କିମ୍ବା ଦ length ର୍ଘ୍ୟ ଭାଷାଗତ ପାର୍ଥକ୍ୟ ସୂଚାଇବା ପାଇଁ ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତିତ ହୋଇଛି (ଯେପରିକି ଗୀତ ଗାଇଥିବା ଗୀତ ଗାଇବା)

verb କ୍ରିୟା

Ablaut meaning in oriya


  • Definitions

    1. To undergo a change of vowel.

    ସ୍ ow ରର ପରିବର୍ତ୍ତନ କରିବାକୁ |

  • Examples:
    1. It is these co-opted verbs that tend to ablaut variably in the different Dakotan dialects and that forced morphological restructuring

    2. This allomorph also causes the back vowel to ablaut to a low vowel.

    3. This root must once have ablauted, given the associated nominal derivatives prthii- 'broad', prthivl- 'earth'. However, it does not ablaut at all in its verbal forms.

    4. What we find is that one cannot predict which members of V a given member of E will cause to ablaut