adjective ବିଶେଷଣ

Absorptive meaning in oriya


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    having power or capacity or tendency to absorb or soak up something (liquids or energy etc.)

    ଶକ୍ତି କିମ୍ବା କ୍ଷମତା କିମ୍ବା କିଛି ଶୋଷିବା କିମ୍ବା ଭିଜାଇବା ପ୍ରବୃତ୍ତି (ତରଳ ବା ଶକ୍ତି ଇତ୍ୟାଦି) |

  • Synonyms

    absorbent (ଶୋଷକ)

adjective ବିଶେଷଣ

Absorptive meaning in oriya


  • Definitions

    1. Having power, capacity, or tendency to absorb or imbibe; absorbent.

    ଶୋଷିବା କିମ୍ବା ଗ୍ରହଣ କରିବା ପାଇଁ ଶକ୍ତି, କ୍ଷମତା, କିମ୍ବା ପ୍ରବୃତ୍ତି ରହିବା; ଶୋଷକ

  • Examples:
    1. In practice, from that date onwards until recent times, the economic absorptive capacity of the country has been treated as the sole limiting factor

  • Synonyms

    postabsorptive (postabsorptive)