noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Acacia meaning in oriya


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    any of various spiny trees or shrubs of the genus Acacia

    ଆକାସିଆ ବଂଶର ବିଭିନ୍ନ ସ୍ପାଇନ୍ ଗଛ କିମ୍ବା ଶାଳ |

noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Acacia meaning in oriya


  • Definitions

    1. A shrub or tree of the tribe Acacieae.

    Acacieae ଜନଜାତିର ଏକ ଶାଳ କିମ୍ବା ଗଛ |

  • Examples:
    1. The latter species was collected only once in this survey on A. flavescens but is widespread on both tropical and temperate acacias in Australia.

  • Synonyms

    whistling thorn (ଶବ୍ଦ କଣ୍ଟା)

    gum arabic (ଗୁମ୍ ଆରବିକ୍ |)

    gum acacia (ଗୁଣ୍ଡ ଆକାସିଆ |)

    thorntree (କଣ୍ଟକ)

    wattle (ଯୁଦ୍ଧ)

    soap acacia (ସାବୁନ୍ ଆକାସିଆ |)

    rose-acacia (ଗୋଲାପ-ଆକାସିଆ |)

    yellow acacia (ହଳଦିଆ ଆକାସିଆ |)

    stinking acacia (ଦୁର୍ଗନ୍ଧ ଆକାସିଆ |)

    acacia tit (acacia tit)

    acacia veld (acacia veld)

    acacia gum (ଆକାସିଆ ଗମ୍ |)