noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Wisp meaning in oriya


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    a flock of snipe

    ଏକ ପଲ

noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Wisp meaning in oriya


  • Definition

    a small bundle of straw or hay

    ନଡ଼ା କିମ୍ବା ଘାସର ଏକ ଛୋଟ ଗୁଣ୍ଡ |

noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Wisp meaning in oriya


  • Definition

    a small person

    ଏକ ଛୋଟ ବ୍ୟକ୍ତି

  • Example

    a mere wisp of a girl

    a ିଅର କେବଳ ବୁଦ୍ଧିମାନ |

noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Wisp meaning in oriya


  • Definition

    a small tuft or lock

    ଏକ ଛୋଟ ଟଫ୍ଟ କିମ୍ବା ଲକ୍ |

  • Example

    wisps of hair

    କେଶର ଜ୍ଞାନ

verb କ୍ରିୟା

Wisp meaning in oriya


  • Definitions

    1. To brush or dress, as with a wisp.

    ବ୍ରଶ୍ କିମ୍ବା ପୋଷାକ ପରି, ଯେପରି ଏକ ବୁଦ୍ଧିମାନ |

  • Examples:
    1. The very same head of hair, wisp'd, and matted together, would make the most disagreeable figure.

  • 2. To produce a wisp, as of smoke.

    ଧୂଆଁ ପରି ଏକ ଜ୍ଞାନ ଉତ୍ପାଦନ କରିବାକୁ |

  • Examples:
    1. To Temple, sitting in the cottonseed-hulls and the corn-cobs, the sound was no louder than the striking of a match: a short, minor sound shutting down the scene, the instant, with a profound finality, completely isolating it, and she sat there, her legs straight before her, her hands limp and palm-up on her lap, looking at Popeye's tight back and the ridges of his coat across his shoulders as he leaned out the door, the pistol behind him, against his flank, wisping thinly along his leg.

  • 3. To emit in wisps.

    ୱିପ୍ସରେ ନିର୍ଗତ କରିବାକୁ |

  • Examples:
    1. It looked warm and rosy-bright inside, with a little chimney wisping smoke, little windows glowing.

noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Wisp meaning in oriya


  • Definitions

    1. A small bundle, as of straw or other like substance; any slender, flexible structure or group.

    ନଡ଼ା କିମ୍ବା ଅନ୍ୟାନ୍ୟ ପଦାର୍ଥ ପରି ଏକ ଛୋଟ ଗୁଣ୍ଡ; ଯେକ any ଣସି ପତଳା, ନମନୀୟ ଗଠନ କିମ୍ବା ଗୋଷ୍ଠୀ |

  • Examples:
    1. in a small basket, on a wisp of hay

  • 2. A will o' the wisp, or ignis fatuus.

    ଏକ ଇଚ୍ଛାଶକ୍ତି, କିମ୍ବା ଇଗ୍ନିସ୍ ଫାଟୁସ୍ |

  • Examples:
    1. the wisp that flickers where no foot can tread

  • 3. An immeasurable, indefinable essence of life; soul.

    ଜୀବନର ଏକ ଅପୂରଣୀୟ, ଅନିର୍ଦ୍ଦିଷ୍ଟ ବିଷୟ; ପ୍ରାଣ

  • Examples:
    1. Another traditional answer to the question of what makes us so different, popular for millennia, has been that humans have a non-physical soul, one that inhabits the body but is distinct from it, an ethereal ghostly wisp that floats free at death to enjoy an after-life which may include reunion with other souls, or perhaps a new body to inhabit.

  • 4. A flock of snipe.

    ଏକ ପଲ

  • Examples:
    1. A flock of snipe is given the collective name of a "wisp", perhaps due to its rapid twisting and turning before the birds drop down again.

    2. They shift their quarters in the early part of the season very suddenly, and if a man hears of a wisp of snipe in any particular place, he must be off at once.

  • Synonyms

    will o' the wisp (ବୁଦ୍ଧିମାନ ହେବ |)

adjective ବିଶେଷଣ

Wisplike meaning in oriya


  • Definition

    thin and weak

    ପତଳା ଏବଂ ଦୁର୍ବଳ |

  • Synonyms

    wispy (ବୁଦ୍ଧିମାନ)

adjective ବିଶେଷଣ

Wispy meaning in oriya


  • Definition

    lacking clarity or distinctness

    ସ୍ୱଚ୍ଛତା କିମ୍ବା ଭିନ୍ନତା ଅଭାବ |

  • Synonyms

    faint (ଦୁର୍ବଳ)

adjective ବିଶେଷଣ

Wispy meaning in oriya


  • Definition

    thin and weak

    ପତଳା ଏବଂ ଦୁର୍ବଳ |

  • Definition

    a wispy little fellow with small hands and feet- Edmund Wilson

    ଛୋଟ ହାତ ଏବଂ ପାଦ ବିଶିଷ୍ଟ ବୁଦ୍ଧିମାନ ଛୋଟ ସାଥୀ- ଏଡମୁଣ୍ଡ ୱିଲସନ |

  • Synonyms

    wisplike (ବୁଦ୍ଧିମାନ)