adverb ବିଜ୍ଞାପନ

Woefully meaning in oriya

ଦୁ e ଖରେ

  • Definition

    in an unfortunate or deplorable manner

    ଦୁର୍ଭାଗ୍ୟଜନକ କିମ୍ବା ଦୁ or ଖଦ manner ଙ୍ଗରେ |

  • Synonyms

    sadly (ଦୁ sad ଖର ବିଷୟ)

adverb ବିଜ୍ଞାପନ

Woefully meaning in oriya

ଦୁ e ଖରେ

  • Definitions

    1. In a woeful manner; to an unfortunately great extent.

    ଏକ ଦୁ ful ଖଦ manner ଙ୍ଗରେ; ଦୁର୍ଭାଗ୍ୟବଶତ great ବହୁତ ପରିମାଣରେ |

  • Examples:
    1. In a convulsion that has caught many in Brazil and beyond by surprise, waves of protesters denounced their leaders for dedicating so many resources to cultivating Brazil’s global image by building stadiums for international events, when basic services like education and health care remain woefully inadequate.

    2. In our broken culture those who have experienced the training of the yogic ashram are often woefully ignorant in the ways of the university, and vice versa.