verb କ୍ରିୟା

Writhe meaning in oriya


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    to move in a twisting or contorted motion, (especially when struggling)

    ଏକ ମୋଡ଼ିବା କିମ୍ବା ବିକୃତ ଗତିରେ ଗତି କରିବା, (ବିଶେଷକରି ସଂଘର୍ଷ କରିବା ସମୟରେ)

  • Example

    The prisoner writhed in discomfort

    କଏଦୀ ଅସନ୍ତୋଷରେ ଲେଖିଥିଲେ

  • Synonyms

    twist (ମୋଡ଼)

verb କ୍ରିୟା

Writhe meaning in oriya


  • Definitions

    1. To contort (a part of the body).

    ବିକୃତ କରିବା (ଶରୀରର ଏକ ଅଂଶ) |

  • Examples:
    1. Cicero (as I remember) had gotten a custome to wryth his nose, which signifieth a naturall scoffer.

    2. She twisted her hands behind her; but all the knots held good! / She writhed her hands till her fingers were wet with sweat or blood! / They stretched and strained in the darkness, and the hours crawled by like years, / Till, now, on the stroke of midnight, / Cold, on the stroke of midnight, / The tip of one finger touched it! The trigger at least was hers!

  • 2. To twist bodily; to contort one's self; to be distorted.

    ଶାରୀରିକ ମୋଡ଼ିବା; ନିଜକୁ ବିକୃତ କରିବା; ବିକୃତ ହେବାକୁ

  • Examples:
    1. The game was engulfed in controversy when Rodwell appeared to win the ball cleanly in a midfield challenge with Suarez. The tackle drew an angry response from Liverpool's players- Lucas in particular as Suarez writhed in agony - but it was an obvious injustice when the England Under-21 midfielder was shown the red card.

adjective ବିଶେଷଣ

Writhen meaning in oriya


  • Definition

    twisted (especially as in pain or struggle)

    ମୋଡ଼ (ବିଶେଷକରି ଯନ୍ତ୍ରଣା କିମ୍ବା ସଂଘର୍ଷ ପରି)

  • Synonyms

    contorted (ବିକୃତ)

adjective ବିଶେଷଣ

Writhed meaning in oriya


  • Definition

    twisted (especially as in pain or struggle)

    ମୋଡ଼ (ବିଶେଷକରି ଯନ୍ତ୍ରଣା କିମ୍ବା ସଂଘର୍ଷ ପରି)

  • Synonyms

    contorted (ବିକୃତ)