verb କ୍ରିୟା

Yammer meaning in oriya


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    to complain whiningly

    ଚିତ୍କାର କରିବା

  • Example

    The kids yammered about getting socks for Christmas again.

    ପିଲାମାନେ ପୁଣି ଖ୍ରୀଷ୍ଟମାସ ପାଇଁ ଚୋପା ପାଇବା ବିଷୟରେ ଚିନ୍ତା କଲେ |

  • Synonyms

    grizzle (ଗ୍ରିଜ୍)

verb କ୍ରିୟା

Yammer meaning in oriya


  • Definition

    to cry loudly, as of animals

    ପଶୁମାନଙ୍କ ପରି ଉଚ୍ଚ ସ୍ୱରରେ କାନ୍ଦିବାକୁ

  • Example

    The yammering coyotes kept us awake in the tent all night long.

    ୟାମରିଙ୍ଗ କୋୟୋଟ୍ ଆମକୁ ରାତିସାରା ତମ୍ବୁରେ ଜାଗ୍ରତ ରଖୁଥିଲା |

  • Synonyms

    yowl (yowl)

verb କ୍ରିୟା

Yammer meaning in oriya


  • Definitions

    1. To make an outcry; to clamor.

    ଚିତ୍କାର କରିବା; ଚିତ୍କାର କରିବା

  • Examples:
    1. It was a ship, but a whale to the Dark Nebula’s minnow; and on its side was the Spaceship-and-Sun of the Empire. Every alarm on the ship yammered hysterically.

noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Yammer meaning in oriya


  • Definitions

    1. The act or noise of yammering.

    ୟାମରିଙ୍ଗର କାର୍ଯ୍ୟ ବା ଶବ୍ଦ |

  • Examples:
    1. The house is just as he had imagined it would be: rubbishy furniture, a clutter of ornaments (porcelain shepherdesses, cowbells, an ostrich-feather flywhisk), the yammer of the radio, the cheeping of birds in cages, cats everywhere underfoot.

  • 2. A loud noise.

    ଏକ ଉଚ୍ଚ ସ୍ୱର

  • Examples:
    1. The ungodly scream of Jap wings in the wind, and the blood-chilling snarl and yammer of their aerial machine gun and aerial cannon fire was enough to make the very ground shake and tremble.