noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Yips meaning in oriya


  • Definition

    nervous tension that causes an athlete to fail, especially causing golfers to miss short putts

    ସ୍ନାୟୁଜନିତ ଟେନସନ ଯାହା ଜଣେ ଆଥଲେଟ୍ଙ୍କୁ ବିଫଳ କରିଥାଏ, ବିଶେଷକରି ଗଲ୍ଫର୍ମାନେ କ୍ଷୁଦ୍ର ପୁଟ୍କୁ ହରାନ୍ତି |

  • Example

    To avoid the yips, I changed my style of putting.

    ୟିପ୍ସକୁ ଏଡାଇବା ପାଇଁ, ମୁଁ ରଖିବାର ଶ style ଳୀ ବଦଳାଇଲି |

noun ବିଶେଷ୍ୟ

Yips meaning in oriya


  • Definitions

    1. A nervous condition which prevents a sportsperson from playing properly; especially a condition which causes a golfer to miss an easy putt, or a tennis player to serve a double fault.

    ଏକ ସ୍ନାୟୁ ଅବସ୍ଥା ଯାହା ଜଣେ କ୍ରୀଡ଼ାବିତ୍ଙ୍କୁ ସଠିକ୍ ଖେଳିବାକୁ ବାରଣ କରେ | ବିଶେଷକରି ଏକ ଅବସ୍ଥା ଯାହା ଦ୍ a ାରା ଜଣେ ଗଲ୍ଫର୍ ଏକ ସହଜ ପୁଟ୍, କିମ୍ବା ଟେନିସ୍ ଖେଳାଳୀଙ୍କୁ ଦ୍ୱିଗୁଣ ତ୍ରୁଟି ପରିବେଷଣ କରିଥାଏ |

  • Examples:
    1. Defining precisely why a professional cyclist might lose his touch on descents is as difficult as explaining a golfer's yips or a striker's sudden inability to find the net. It happens rarely, most famously in the early 1990s; the double world champion Gianni Bugno suffered from it and only rediscovered his "flow" after being made to listen to Mozart to calm his nerves.