noun பெயர்ச்சொல்

Zippo meaning in tamil


  • Definition

    a quantity of no importance

    முக்கியத்துவம் இல்லாத அளவு

  • Example

    We got zippo going on here, it's so boring.

    நாங்கள் இங்கே ஜிப்போ நடக்கிறது, அது மிகவும் சலிப்பாக இருக்கிறது.

  • Synonyms

    nothing (ஒன்றுமில்லை)

adjective பெயர் உரிச்சொல்

Zippo meaning in tamil


  • Definitions

    1. None whatsoever

    எதுவும் இல்லை

  • Examples:
    1. “The whole situation is magnificent news, especially when the problem has been zippo investment by large corporations in Africa,” says Robert H. Bates .

verb வினைச்சொல்

Zippo meaning in tamil


  • Definitions

    1. To light on fire.

    தீயில் ஒளிர.

  • Examples:
    1. I didn't want to burn 'em out, but that's policy. So we zippoed their hooch.

    2. Once the last villagers had left Ben Suc, the buildings were doused with petrol and zippoed.

    3. The youth climbed off, Zippoed a wick in a glass bottle and walked towards Jake's flat.