noun నామ వాచకము

I.D. meaning in telugu


  • Definition

    a card or badge used to identify the bearer

    బేరర్‌ను గుర్తించడానికి ఉపయోగించే కార్డ్ లేదా బ్యాడ్జ్

  • Synonyms

    ID (ID)

noun నామ వాచకము

I.D. meaning in telugu


  • Definitions

    1. Initialism of intelligent design.

    ఇంటెలిజెంట్ డిజైన్ యొక్క ఇనిషియలిజం.

  • Examples:
    1. Although Intelligent Design has its share of scientific supporters, most remain resolute that I.D. is at best pseudo-science. Critics contend that the evidence upon which intelligent designists base most of their assumptions—for example, that the biblical Great Flood carved the Grand Canyon—is nothing more than faulty logic with footnotes.