noun నామ వాచకము

Xanthemia meaning in telugu


  • Definition

    excess carotene in the blood stream

    రక్త ప్రవాహంలో అదనపు కెరోటిన్

  • Example

    Eating too many carrots had contributed to the child's xanthemia.

    చాలా క్యారెట్లు తినడం పిల్లల శాంథెమియాకు దోహదపడింది.

  • Synonyms

    carotenemia (కెరోటినిమియా)

noun నామ వాచకము

Xanthemia meaning in telugu


  • Definitions

    1. The occurrence of yellow matter in the blood.

    రక్తంలో పసుపు పదార్థం ఏర్పడటం.

  • Examples:
    1. Among the latter, incipient nephritis and metabolic anomalies, as xanthemia, arthritis uritica, oxaluria are common.

    2. Carotin was inferred, not demonstrated, in these cases, although Salomon measured the extent of the "xanthemia" in certain individuals by determining the extinction coefficient of the absorption bands of the ether extract of the blood.

  • 2. The occurrence of yellow skin

    పసుపు చర్మం సంభవించడం

  • Examples:
    1. False jaundice or carotenemia (xanthemia) is an unusual and abnormal yellowness of the human skin, sometimes actually appearing in the sweat, resulting from the ingestion of carotenoid-rich food such as carrots, oranges or yellow cucurbits in large quantities over protracted periods.