adjective اسم صفت

Ottoman meaning in urdu


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    of or relating to the Ottoman Empire or its people or its culture

    سلطنت عثمانیہ یا اس کے لوگوں یا اس کی ثقافت سے متعلق یا اس سے متعلق

noun اسم

Ottoman meaning in urdu


  • Definitions

    1. A citizen of the Ottoman Empire.

    سلطنت عثمانیہ کا شہری۔

  • Examples:
    1. Nearly 250,000 Ottomans of various military ranks were taken captive by the Allied forces during World War I, which was referred to in Turkish variously as Büyük Harp, Cihan Harbi and Harb-i Umumi (or simply Seferberlik among the older generation of Turks) until World War II.