adjective विशेषण

Able meaning in marathi


  • Pronunciation


  • Definition

    (usually followed by `to') having the necessary means or skill or know-how or authority to do something

    (सामान्यतः `ते' नंतर) आवश्यक साधन किंवा कौशल्य किंवा ज्ञान किंवा अधिकार असणे.

  • Example

    able to swim

    पोहण्यास सक्षम

adjective विशेषण

Able meaning in marathi


  • Definition

    having inherent physical or mental ability or capacity

    अंगभूत शारीरिक किंवा मानसिक क्षमता किंवा क्षमता असणे

  • Example

    able to learn

    शिकण्यास सक्षम

adjective विशेषण

Able meaning in marathi


  • Definition

    have the skills and qualifications to do things well

    गोष्टी चांगल्या प्रकारे करण्यासाठी कौशल्य आणि पात्रता आहे

  • Example

    able teachers

    सक्षम शिक्षक

  • Synonyms

    capable (सक्षम)

adjective विशेषण

Able meaning in marathi


  • Definition

    having a strong healthy body

    मजबूत निरोगी शरीर असणे

  • Example

    an able seaman

    एक सक्षम नाविक

  • Synonyms

    able-bodied (सक्षम शरीर)

adjective विशेषण

Able meaning in marathi


  • Definitions

    1. Gifted with skill, intelligence, knowledge, or competence.

    कौशल्य, बुद्धिमत्ता, ज्ञान किंवा योग्यता प्रदान केली आहे.

  • Examples:
    1. The chairman was also an able sailor.

    2. Natures that haue much Heat, and great and violent deſires and Perturbations, are not ripe for Action, till they haue paſſed the Meridian of their yeares: As it was with Iulius Cæſar, and Septimius Seuerus. And yet he [Septimus Severus] was the Ableſt Emperour, almoſt, of all the Liſt.

  • 2. Easy to use.

    वापरण्यास सोप.

  • Examples:
    1. As the hands are the most habil parts of the body

  • 3. Suitable; competent.

    योग्य; सक्षम

  • Examples:
    1. and for every able man servant that he or she shall carry or send armed and provided as aforesaid, ninety acres of land of like measure.

  • Synonyms

    be able (सक्षम असेल)

    able-bodied (सक्षम शरीर)

    disabled (अक्षम)

    enable (सक्षम करा)

    be able to (करण्यास सक्षम असेल)

    able-bodyism (सक्षम शरीरवाद)

    disability (दिव्यांग)

    able-bodism (सक्षम शरीरवाद)

    disablism (अपंगत्व)

    able whackets (सक्षम wackets)

    able-bodyist (सक्षम शरीरवादी)

    ableism (सक्षमता)

    able-minded (सक्षम मनाचा)

    able seaman (सक्षम नाविक)

    -able (-सक्षम)

    ability (क्षमता)

verb क्रियापद

Able meaning in marathi


  • Definitions

    1. To vouch for; to guarantee.

    आश्वासन देणे; हमी देण्यासाठी.

  • Examples:
    1. None does offend, none....I’ll able ’em.

  • Synonyms

    abled (सक्षम)

noun नाम

Ableism meaning in marathi


  • Definition

    discrimination in favor of the able-bodied

    सक्षम शरीराच्या बाजूने भेदभाव

  • Synonyms

    ablism (abblism)

    able-bodism (सक्षम शरीरवाद)

    able-bodiedism (सक्षम शरीरवाद)

noun नाम

Able-bodism meaning in marathi

सक्षम शरीरवाद

  • Definition

    discrimination in favor of the able-bodied

    सक्षम शरीराच्या बाजूने भेदभाव

  • Synonyms

    ableism (सक्षमता)

noun नाम

Able-bodied seaman meaning in marathi

सक्षम शरीराचा नाविक

  • Definition

    a seaman in the merchant marine

    व्यापारी सागरी मध्ये एक नाविक

  • Synonyms

    able seaman (सक्षम नाविक)

noun नाम

Able-bodiedism meaning in marathi

सक्षम शरीरवाद

  • Definition

    discrimination in favor of the able-bodied

    सक्षम शरीराच्या बाजूने भेदभाव

  • Synonyms

    ableism (सक्षमता)

adjective विशेषण

Able to get a word in edgewise meaning in marathi

edgewise मध्ये शब्द मिळविण्यास सक्षम

  • Definition

    able to participate in the conversation, or interrupt another person's monologue, often preceded by a negative

    संभाषणात भाग घेण्यास सक्षम, किंवा दुसर्‍या व्यक्तीच्या एकपात्री भाषेत व्यत्यय आणू शकतो, ज्याच्या आधी अनेकदा नकारात्मक असते

  • Definition

    I wasn't able to get a word in edgewise.

    मला एकही शब्द edgewise मध्ये मिळू शकला नाही.

noun नाम

Ablepharia meaning in marathi


  • Definition

    a congenital absence of eyelids (partial or complete)

    पापण्यांची जन्मजात अनुपस्थिती (आंशिक किंवा पूर्ण)

adjective विशेषण

Able-bodied meaning in marathi

सक्षम शरीर

  • Definition

    having a strong healthy body

    मजबूत निरोगी शरीर असणे

  • Synonyms

    able (सक्षम)

noun नाम

Able seaman meaning in marathi

सक्षम नाविक

  • Definition

    a seaman in the merchant marine

    व्यापारी सागरी मध्ये एक नाविक

  • Synonyms

    able-bodied seaman (सक्षम शरीराचा नाविक)